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Niobium Sulphates

Electrolytic reduction of solutions of niobic acid in sulphuric acid furnishes solutions which contain the niobium either as Nb2O3 or Nb3O7, according to the experimental conditions, but no sulphates of niobium have been isolated from these solutions. Reddish- brown crystals of an ammonium niobium sulphate, which have the probable composition (NH4)2SO4.Nb2(SO4)3.6H2O, have, however, been prepared by electrolytic reduction, as well as an acid ammonium niobium sulphate, (NH4)2SO4.Nb2(SO4)3.H2SO4.6H2O. The latter is a brown powder which is somewhat stable in a dry atmosphere. It dissolves in water to give a brown solution which oxidises rapidly, becoming successively blue, green, and finally colourless; addition of ammonium hydroxide or hydrochloric acid produces a blue coloration immediately.

Evaporation of a solution of niobium oxysulphide in sulphuric acid and heating to 340° C. yields a compound of the composition Nb2O5.SO3, which can be alternatively written NbO2.SO4.NbO2, i.e. as hyponiobic sulphate. At 420° C. the product has the composition 2Nb2O5.SO3.

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